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Night creature and Socials

Hello and welcome to the blog. It has been nearly a week since I've seen the sun rise, I am in the period of time where I become a night creature. I have come around to it once more, this time without a negative light to it. I have spent my time during the night either watching YouTube and or playing Minecraft. I am in a hardcore run in my maybe 15th world? I've lost count after 13. Nonetheless I have done the best I can with digital illustration at least an hour a night, however I'm once again in a roadblock. Not necessarily art block, as I at the very least have a sketch in place of an idea, be it either in my iPad or PC. It feels more of a funk that I compartmentalize for a while. I'll have SAI open with either an unfinished peace or nothing at all. With that being said I have put in the effort to watermark old posts from 2023 and put them out there in the Ethernet. I am likely in dissatisfaction with my PC and the lack of performance it puts out and have been daydreaming of either building a new PC or reminiscing on old days, in particular the 2020 lock downs, back when I had the drive to graphic design and experimenting for the Block-Chain Podcast (No relation to Crypto).

Well it is what is I suppose.

I've also opened up a Threads for my arts @AlsoZeo and thinking of opening up a BlueSky account, not due to recent events in regards to X but rather more an establishments for me and my brand here on this website, tho I need to pay my phone bill. I struggle to think of any other social media platforms to sign up for, I'll give it some thoughts later on.

Well that is all that's on my mind at the current, it is 03:14. Have a good day!

Cheers 🍻

-Taylor Reeves

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