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Movie Review: 1999 - Fight Club

Directed by David Fincher with Chuck Palahniuk and Jim Uhls as writers remain a timeless classic that stands the test of time, remaining relevant to this very day. Based on a novel by writer Chuck Palahniuk and starring Edward Nortan and Brad Pitt with stand out performances like no other.

It is certainly a film that is not for everybody and will probably make certain people in world uncomfortable. Regardless the uncomfortable nature is good thing as it helps bring to life certain ugliness of life that we all decidedly look the other way and it is a bold move by both the creatives in the room and the producers that helped bring the movie to life. The nonlinear storytelling is fun and engaging and upon rewatches I discover something that flew over my head. The social commentary on both the book and movie feels more relevant today as it did in the late 90s and early 2000s and its parody take on masculinity.

Now I am very carful with the terms “Parody” and “masculinity” as two main leads should never be seen as icons or something to aspire to, which as the last 5-6 years it have proven with certain internet figures taking the message of film the wrong way. There are many valid ways to interpret the film, my personal opinion on the film that is not an embrace on masculinity but a rejection of it. Not to spoil any of it but the ending speaks for itself, however you the reader interprets it is just as valid as mine and many others. It is definitely a complicated movie to swallow and the only reason I watched it is due to my internet going down and I happened to have downloaded before hand, using Prime Video on my iPad 10.

One iconic part of the film not many tend to bring up is the music, be it license or otherwise, John King and Micheal Simpson truly help bring to life an iconic set in movies that easy to recognize.

The cinematography by Jeff Cronenweth along with James Haygood’s editing is extremely distinct and together made beautiful set of shots that is both dreadful, lively and real.

I would love to gush all day but I think this is where I will leave it behind as I think of the movie I’ll review next.

Give the film a watch, I definitely recommend it personally, but I understand that it’s not for everybody

Have a good day

Cheers 🍻

-Taylor Reeves

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