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I sit here in front of my PC, looking at my browser and thinking to myself: I am an addict. I don't wanna do it yet here I am, tempted. looking at the sign up page for Twitter, contemplating on signing up again.


I've swallowed my pride enough to know when I am wrong, and there is a lot that I am wrong about. Consider tonight's blog as a formal apology, for the people I've hurt over the last 5 years, the trust broken from my own actions and I hold myself responsible for everything wrong I've done. I expect nothing to come of this apology, especially to select people I've wronged a long time ago. all the grief and loss over the years have only proven to me all my faults. I wish you to whoever is reading this well, thank you and goodnight

First: The header and footer have been updated across the website.

Second: In the 2020 Archive page an about tab has been added to the bottom of the gallery with notes in regards to The Block-Chain Podcast. I wish Velectric6 well. As well as Frank Pepi, Sebo & the various previous guests, colleagues & friends

(With small exceptions, if you know you know)

Major changes, not only to the header to be more clear, a new page has been added for my passion project, "The Normal Illusion" and leaving a vague idea for public display as I write the detailed scripts and ideas for myself and select collaborators. As it stands currently, the Normal Illusion page is going to be an ever evolving work in progress.

I will state once more that commissions are open with prices listed here I will take some more time working on a personalized graphics and adjusted details.

In other news I will be going to the city this coming weekend to take a younger creative relative to Van Arts open house, that'll be fun.

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