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As of 02:18, the commission page has been updated and formatted to be easily assessable.

No requirements for membership sigh up to read the ToS and an Email has been provided for such a service.

Additionally, the archive page has been locked behind a membership sign up. Sign up today for exclusive content and more

Prices are final until further notice, I value my time.

Benefits have also been listed for monthly supporters on Ko-Fi

I am happy to begin a new venture with

Thank you for reading friend

Cheers 🍻

As of 23:45 the Ko-Fi Page has been set up as an alternative payment method for commisions by The page will remain up until further notice, which I hope will be never. So long as I have the draw digital illustrations for not only myself but near future clients ahead.

The commissions page will be updated with clear and easily accessible Terms of Service and prices

Click here for the websites Ko-Fi Page

For the last few weeks I have spent time self improving. Along with going out for social occasions. I am currently waiting on a sleep study as well as taking sleeping medication that has mixed results.

I am better than I was before.

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